Pubblicazioni scientifiche
De Pretto M., Gherri E., Overy K.,, Shuffle and Stumble: When binary rhythms are more entraining to the motor system than shuffle rhythms, in: N/A, 2021(atti di: Neuromusic VII, Aarhus, June 2021) [Poster]
Govoni, Paola, Laura Fermi: Biografa della bomba atomica, testimone della scienza, delle migrazioni e delle donne tra fascismo e Guerra fredda, in: etteratura e Scienze, Roma, Adi editore, 2021, pp. 1 - 7 [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
Matteucci, Giovanni, Introduzione, «RETI SAPERI LINGUAGGI», 2021, 10, pp. 43 - 44 [Replica/breve intervento (e simili)]
Scerrati E.; Marzola G.; Villani C.; Lugli L.; D'Ascenzo E.S., New scenarios for experiments in Psychology: The online modality, «GIORNALE ITALIANO DI PSICOLOGIA», 2021, 48, pp. 843 - 863 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
F. Cerrato, Antonio Labriola: filosofia e socialismo, «COSMOPOLIS», 2021, 18, pp. 1 - 10 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Moruzzi, Sebastiano; Volpe, Giorgio, Interworld Disagreement, «ERKENNTNIS», 2021, 86, pp. 1585 - 1598 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Iani C.; Ciardo F.; Panajoli S.; Lugli L.; Rubichi S., The role of the co-actor’s response reachability in the joint Simon effect: remapping of working space by tool use, «PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH», 2021, 85, pp. 521 - 532 [Articolo in rivista]
Szczesniak D.; Rymaszewska J.; Saibene F.L.; Lion K.M.; D'arma A.; Brooker D.; Evans S.B.; Evans S.C.; Chattat R.; Scorolli C.; Meiland F.; Hendriks I.; Droes R.-M.; Farina E., Meeting centres support programme highly appreciated by people with dementia and carers: a European cross-country evaluation, «AGING & MENTAL HEALTH», 2021, 25, pp. 149 - 159 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Lion K.M.; Szczesniak D.; Bulinska K.; Mazurek J.; Evans S.B.; Evans S.C.; Saibene F.L.; d'Arma A.; Scorolli C.; Farina E.; Brooker D.; Chattat R.; Meiland F.J.M.; Droes R.-M.; Rymaszewska J., Does the Meeting Centre Support Programme decrease the experience of stigmatisation among people with cognitive deficits?, «AGING & MENTAL HEALTH», 2021, 25, pp. 160 - 169 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Paolucci, Claudio, Cognitive Semiotics. Integrating Signs, Minds, Meaning and Cognition, Berlin and New York, Springer, 2021, pp. 161 (PERSPECTIVES IN PRAGMATICS, PHILOSOPHY & PSYCHOLOGY). [Monografia/Trattato scientifico in forma di libro]
Pelizza Annalisa, Towards a sociomaterial approach to inter-organizational boundaries. How information systems elicit relevant knowledge in government outsourcing, «JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY», 2021, 36, pp. 94 - 108 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Annalisa Pelizza, Wouter R. Van Rossem, Sensing European Alterity. An analogy between sensors and Hotspots in transnational security networks, in: Sensing In/Security. Sensors as Transnational Security Infrastructures, Manchester, Mattering Press, 2021, pp. 262 - 286 [Capitolo/Saggio in libro] Open Access
Pelizza, Annalisa, Digital sociology: The reinvention of social research, «INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY», 2021, 24, pp. 1057 - 1058 [Recensione in rivista]
Volpe, Giorgio, A Contrastivist Response to Gerken’s Arguments for False Positives, «ACTA ANALYTICA», 2021, 36, pp. 311 - 322 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Zamora, JS; Santarelli, M, Populism or pragmatism? Two ways of understanding political articulation*, «CONSTELLATIONS», 2021, 28, pp. 453 - 591 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Savoia, Paolo, Suffering through it: Visual and textual representations of bodies in surgery in the wake of Lepanto (1571), in: Representing Infirmity: Diseased Bodies in Renaissance Italy, London, Routledge, 2021, pp. 141 - 166 [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
Pelizza Annalisa, Identification as translation: The art of choosing the right spokespersons at the securitized border, «SOCIAL STUDIES OF SCIENCE», 2021, 51, pp. 487 - 511 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
SAVOIA P, Virtual Bologna ESHS 2020 conference report, «CENTAURUS», 2021, 63, pp. 225 - 227 [Replica/breve intervento (e simili)]
D'Ascenzo S.; Lugli L.; Nicoletti R.; Umilta C., Practice effects vs. transfer effects in the Simon task, «PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH», 2021, 85, pp. 1955 - 1969 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Carriero, Valentina Anita; Gangemi, Aldo; Mancinelli, Maria Letizia; Nuzzolese, Andrea Giovanni; Presutti, Valentina; Veninata, Chiara, Pattern-based design applied to cultural heritage knowledge graphs, «SEMANTIC WEB», 2021, 12, pp. 313 - 357 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access