Global Civic Education. Transforming global citizenship education into practice through civic education (GloCivEd)

PRIN 2022 (15-10-2023 / 14-10-2025)

Coordinatore - Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi


The proposed project, "Global Civic Education" (GloCivEd), aims at investigating the ways in which issues and approaches related to Global Citizenship Education are integrated in formal education through the entry point of Civic education, a recently introduced compulsory school subject in all Italian schools.

Using a multiple methods research design GloCivEd will first provide a conceptual clarification of the notion of Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and its mirrored concept of Education for Sustainable Development, two key educational targets included in the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. Then, an interpretive policy analysis will be carried out on the multilayered political process of agenda setting and policy implementation with a special focus on the case of L.92/2019, introducing civic education in Italian schools as a compulsory subject. Grounded in the results of these conceptual and political analyses two parallel research paths will be designed: on the one hand an investigation on teachers’ beliefs, representations, and readiness for GCED through civic education and how they have incorporated GCED-related issues through civic education; on the other hand, an exploration of students’ cognitive, social, emotional and behavioural learning of GCED through civic education and how this approach could have triggered their civic engagement.

The expected result of GloCivEd is twofold: to lead to a significant advancement of knowledge in the field of GCED and to provide effective guidance to the practitioners for the integration of GCED in secondary school through civic education.

The research activities, which constitute both sequential and parallel phases of the project, will be carried out in synergy by researchers of the three Local Research Units.

Membri del progetto

Alessandro Tolomelli

Professore ordinario

Altri membri (esterni unibo)

Marcella Milana (università di Verona - Dipartimento di Scienze Umane)

Alessio Surian (università di Padova -Dipartimento di Filosofia Sociologia Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata)

Unità di ricerca 2 (coordinatrice Isabella Loiodice) - Università di Foggia

Unità di ricerca 3 ( coordinatore Marco Catarci) - Università di Roma Tre


(15-10-2023 / 14-10-2025) 



Euro 277.868 Unibo
Euro 104.814 FILO