How to Be Things with Words

  • Data: 25 marzo 2024 dalle 17:00 alle 19:00

  • Luogo: Aula C, via Andreatta 8 (complesso Belmeloro)

Beatrice Bottomley will illustrate the theory of language developed by Ibn 'Arabi (1165 AD-1240 AD) in his magnum opus al-Futuhat al-makkiyya. By examining this theory within the wider contexts of the history of philosophy and science, her research explores how Ibn 'Arabi's cosmological approach to language offered the metaphysical framework for practical techniques developed by key intellectual figures working within the political elites of the early modern Ottoman, Timurid, and Mughal empires.

Relatrice: Beatrice Bottomley (Warburg Institute) - Introduzione e discussione: Lucia Raggetti (FILO) - Sara Fani (FILO)

A cura di:
ERC project UseFool - Knowledge and manipulation of nature between usefulness and deception in the Arabo-Islamic tradition (9th-15th century)