Philosophy and theory of language

This area of research collects competences and perspectives that consider language and languages (verbal, visual, audiovisual, gestural, etc.) as objects of analysis and theoretical inquiry; it looks at the role that the communicative and linguistic spheres play in human experience; and it investigates various aspects of the philosophical reflection on language and its semiotic dimension.

In particular, these areas include the history of semiotics, the theories of the sign, semantics and cognitive studies, the theory of interpretation, text theory and analysis with special attention to the narrative and visual dimensions, languages of audiovisual media and new media, discourses and practices of cultural and collective memory, the theories of truth and reference, the connection between language, mind, and reality, the normative dimension of meaning and thought contents, the use of logic and formal semantics for modelling natural languages, the ontological commitment of language and its connection with metaphysics and epistemology.


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Flavio Valerio Alessi

Research fellow

keywords: Interpretive semiotics, Semiotics of culture, Cognitive semiotics, Demarcation problem, Expertise problem, Sociology of
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Federica Arenare

PhD Student

keywords: ethnosemiotics, pedagogical epistemology, media education

Pierluigi Basso

Full Professor

keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Semiotics of AI, AI and cultural industry
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Aldo Gangemi

Full Professor

keywords: Semantic Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering, Natural Language Processing, Semantic Web,
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Gilberto Gauche

PhD Student

keywords: Radical Embodiment, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Mary Douglas
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Marco Giacomazzi

PhD Student

keywords: Semiotics, Digital Media, Writing, Interpretation, Information, Technics, Technology, Digital Competence
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Luigi Lobaccaro

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: General Semiotics; Cognitive semiotics; 4E Cognition; Enactivism; Psychopathologies; Creativity
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Francesco Mazzucchelli

Associate Professor

keywords: Semiotics, Memory Studies, Philosophy of Language, Cultural Studies, Semiotics of Culture, Cultural Heritage, Semiotics
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Claudio Paolucci

Full Professor

keywords: Cognitive Sciences and Cognitive Semiotics, Semiotics, Semiotics of scientific languages, Semiotics of Audiovisual
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Paolo Piccirillo

PhD Student

keywords: Semiotics, Theories of enunciation, Semiotics of art, Aesthetics, AI
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Flavia Politi

PhD Student

keywords: AI semiotics, Information philosophy, Gender digital divide, Theory of enunciation, Differential etherogenesis,
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Alberto Rinaldi

PhD Student

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Massimiliano Tarozzi

Full Professor

keywords: Global Citizenship Education, Education for Sustainable Development, Social Justice Education,
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Carlo Andrea Tassinari

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

keywords: Semiotics, Anthropology, Poltical Ecology, Conflict, Memory, Antrhopocene

Giacomo Vincenzi

PhD Student

keywords: open educational resources, semiotics of education, learning practices
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Giorgio Volpe

Associate Professor

keywords: knowledge, epistemic justification, truth, scepticism, propositions, facts, contrastivism, alethic pluralism, debunking