General psychology

General Psychology deals with the competences related to the organization of behavior and the main psychological functions through which individuals interact with the environment and create process representations of the environment and him/herself (perception, emotion, motivation, memory, learning, thinking and reasoning, language and communication).

The main lines of research in the psychological field carried out in the Department are the following:

  • Study of the perceptive-motor processes involved in attention orientation
  • Cognitive ergonomics studies
  • Studies in the embodied perspective of cognition
  • Study of the mechanisms underlying the act of lying and telling the truth
  • Doctor– patient communication
  • Communication in sport setting
  • Communication and visual disability
  • Communication and socialization in family interaction
  • Truth and credibility in the legal setting
  • Empathic communication in direct and mediated interpersonal interactions
  • Communication strategies of mediation and negotiation of conflicts in professional contexts
  • Non-violent communication in micro and macro social contexts
  • Concrete and abstract concepts: words as social tools
  • Acquisition of concepts and sign languages


Glenn De Muynck

PhD Student

keywords: Abstract concepts, Embodied cognition, Event cognition
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Giuseppe Fucà

PhD Student

keywords: Auditory Attention, Musical Skills and Executive Functions

Gioacchino Garofalo

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

keywords: Semantics, Embodied Cognition, Language, Affordances, Syntac, Sensorimotor Simulation, Motor system
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Elena Gherri

Associate Professor

keywords: Spatial Attention within and across sensory modalities, Action-perception links, Conflict and Cognitive Control,
keywords: visual attention, food, eye movements, pupillometry, spatial coding
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Chiara Lucifora

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Cognitive Science, Virtual Reality
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Luisa Lugli

Full Professor

keywords: Cognitve Sciences, Social and Joint Spatial Attention, Embodied Cognition, Language processing, Emotion, Numerical
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Claudia Scorolli

Associate Professor

keywords: embodied cognition; extended mind; social and affective cognition; language comprehension; bimodal bilingualism;