Interaction between cognitive processes and motor system in individual and social contexts

Principal Investigator- Prof. Roberto Nicoletti


The research group is engaged in the study of the following topics: motor system organization and spatial attention orientation in individual and social contexts; embodied and grounded perspective of cognition; interaction of high-level cognitive processes and perceptual systems; social attitudes towards disabled people or with prosthesis.

The outcomes of our research work range from publication scientific results in national and international journals, to participation in national and international conferences, to collaboration with other research groups also to promote inter-university projects, as well as national ones (e.g. PRIN).

The group organizes monthly research meetings for presentation and discussion of research data. The group collaborates with several departments and research institutes in Italy and abroad.

In particular, it is worth mentioning:

  • the collaboration with EMCO-EMbodied COgnition Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, in collaboration with which the European FP7 project ROSSI was won ( "Emergence of Communication in Robots through Sensorimotor and Social Interaction" (Principal Investigator: Prof. A.M. Borghi);
  • the collaboration with HuCog-Human Cognition Lab (Department of Communication and Economics, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; Scientific Supervisor: prof. S. Rubichi). With this collaboration, the group has obtained PRIN funding for the following research:
  • Language, eye movements, affordances and social context (Area 11, scientific coordinator: prof. S. Rubichi; Scientific Supervisor: prof. R. Nicoletti);
  • Shared representations and Simon effect modulations (Area 11, scientific coordinator: prof. S. Rubichi; Scientific Supervisor: prof. R. Nicoletti).

Staff members

Renata Galatolo

Associate Professor

Roberta Lorenzetti

Associate Professor

Luisa Lugli

Full Professor

Claudia Scorolli

Associate Professor

Monica Simone

Adjunct professor

Caterina Villani

Research fellow

The group also collaborates with the following institutes and research centers:

Department of Psychology (University of Potsdam); Department of Neuroscience (University of Parma); Sensorimotor Integration Group (University of Lubeck); Cognition & Interaction Lab (COIN) (University of Skövde); Kovan Research Lab (Middle East Technical University, Turkey); Intelligent Robotics Group (IRG)(Aberystwyth University).



ERC Sectors of the group

  • LS5_7 - Cognition (e.g. learning, memory, emotions, speech);
  • SH4_4 - Cognitive and experimental psychology: perception, action, and higher cognitive processes.
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