Photo by photographer Aschaeffer

Social studies of science and technology

The Social Studies of Science and Technology cluster deals with the transdisciplinary dynamics related to the production, circulation, use and maintenance of expert knowledge, technological artifacts and sociotechnical infrastructures, also from a long-term perspective.

Such knowledge, artifacts and infrastructures emerge from institutionalized milieus such as Western science and technology, but can also be developed in feminist, indigenous and non-formal contexts. With a famous motto, we like to say that technology and science are society made durable.

At FILCOM, this approach translates into transdisciplinary international research, teaching attentive to students' epistemic forms, and collaborations with the most diverse social actors. Notably, current research and teaching address:

  • Interactions between the natural sciences and the social sciences, also in historical perspective;
  • Sociotechnical aspects of data infrastructures and information systems, including ontologies and interoperability;
  • Ethnographic, digital and mixed methods for the study of the production and use of scientific and technological artifacts;
  • Science and Technology Studies;
  • Governance of and by technology;
  • Gender and social studies of science;
  • Social impact of data infrastructures on populations, society and institutions;
  • Studies on online sociality, including network cultures and digital communities;
  • History, forms and functions of the popularization and communication of science and technology.


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Federica Arenare

PhD Student

keywords: ethnosemiotics, pedagogical epistemology, media education

Miriam Borgia

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: history of medicine, history of animal husbandry, environmental history, animal studies
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Roberto Brigati

Full Professor

keywords: philosophy of social sciences, philosophical anthropology, philosophy and psychoanalysis, theories of justice,
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Claudio Coletta

Associate Professor

keywords: Science and Technology Studies, Climate change, Time Studies, Smart urbanism, large data infrastructure

Elena Danieli

PhD Student

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Sara Fani

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Gilberto Gauche

PhD Student

keywords: Radical Embodiment, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Mary Douglas
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Marco Giacomazzi

PhD Student

keywords: Semiotics, Digital Media, Writing, Interpretation, Information, Technics, Technology, Digital Competence
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Paola Govoni

Associate Professor

keywords: History of Science, Integrated and transdisciplinary studies, Women, Gender, and science, Science Studies, Science,
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Chiara Montalti

Research fellow

keywords: disability studies, feminist theory, feminist technoscience, Philosophical Posthumanism, Gender studies, Queer theory,

Lorenzo Olivieri

Research fellow

keywords: Science and technologies studies, Digital Infrastructures for population management, Migration studies, Philosophy of

Juri Panicucci

PhD Student

keywords: Epistemic and non-epistemic values in sciences, Values and scientific objectivity, Science and society: trust,
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Annalisa Pelizza

Full Professor

keywords: Science and Technology Studies, Governance by technology, Large-scale data infrastructures, Data management of
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Flavia Politi

PhD Student

keywords: AI semiotics, Information philosophy, Gender digital divide, Theory of enunciation, Differential etherogenesis,
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Carlo Andrea Tassinari

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

keywords: Semiotics, Anthropology, Poltical Ecology, Conflict, Memory, Antrhopocene