Discipline filosofiche

Principal Investigator - Prof. Stefano Besoli

Research themes

As the plural suggests, this group is involved in a variety of research projects that arise from Discipline filosofiche, the Department journal founded in 1991.

The projects concern four universes of discourse in which philosophical rationality currently unfolds: Hermeneutika, Praktika, Analytika, and Phainomenologika. These are four universes in which philosophical discourse deals with the perspicuity and clarification of meaning – be it the meaning attributed to a written text or the intended  meaning of action; the meaning in which reality is represented by language or meaning qua experienced and constituted in a subject’s consciousness and in its expressive modes.

The goal of the research group is to deepen and spread theoretical discussion of the main themes of contemporary philosophical inquiry, from phenomenology to practical philosophy, from aesthetics to linguistic theory, from epistemology to the new perspectives on ontology.

ERC panels

  • SH4_10 (SH4_10 - Philosophy of mind, epistemology and logic)
  • SH5_6 (SH5_6 - Philosophy, history of philosophy)
  • SH6_10 (SH6_10 - History of ideas, intellectual history, history of sciences and techniques)


Roberto Brigati

Full Professor

Sebastiano Galanti Grollo

Associate Professor

Luca Guidetti

Full Professor

Giorgio Volpe

Associate Professor

Research Output

Monographs and special issues published in journals and book series by Italian and international publishers;

Discipline Filosofiche

Le forme dell'anima

Quodlibet Studio

Recent events

  • October-November 2019. Series of three seminars on ‘Psichiatria fenomenologica’.
  • February-March 2019. Series of six seminars on ‘Figure della fenomenologia’
  • 22-23 February 2018. Scientific Philosophy / Filosofia scientifica Lecture Series, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, Unibo. Prof. António Zilhão (Universidade de Lisboa), Moore’s Problem (22/02); On Scientific Philosophy (23/02). Discussants: Raffaella Campaner and Luca Guidetti .