Political philosophy and history of concepts

The scope covers all manifestations of being and acting of humans and their relationships in and with the social and political environment that surrounds them. It deals with memory, history, founding myths, planning, within and through the cooperative or conflictual action of individuals and groups, with particular attention to the concepts that structure our culture in its historical-philosophical development and in its relationship with other cultures.

The history of concepts, of philosophical ancestry, proposes the analysis of the variations of the meaning of concepts in relation to the change of the semantic structures in which they are historically used from time to time, thus reconstructing these variations starting from the concrete historical transformations with the which they interact within a sort of history of the material constitution of concepts. In this perspective, we intend to operate on concepts both historically (where a concept was born and developed, in which context it is applied and how its application varies and changes over time), and geographically (how that concept moves, is imported into other cultures and traditions, assuming new meaning and new sense), proposing a history of the peregrinations of the concepts of the human and social sciences.


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Luca Baldissara

Associate Professor

keywords: War History, Political Justice, Transitional Justice, Violence, Civil Wars, Conceptual History, Contemporary History,
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Giovanni Bonacina

Full Professor

keywords: Hegel and Hegelian School, Philosophy and Historiography, Ancients and Moderns, East and West, Revolution and Reaction,
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Filippo Del Lucchese

Associate Professor

keywords: History of Political Thought, Cinema, Literature, and Philosophy, Political Philosophy, History of Philosophy from the
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Chiara Montalti

Research fellow

keywords: disability studies, feminist theory, feminist technoscience, Philosophical Posthumanism, Gender studies, Queer theory,
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Luigi Emilio Pischedda

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: Spinoza, Baruch; Dutch Golden Age, Political Philosophy; History of Concepts; Philosophy of Law; Political Iconography

Giovanni Russo

PhD Student