Affiliation group

XR-GRACE Group eXtended Reality for GRounding beauty on sustainable human and Artificial Creative Experiences

The lab deals with experimental research in the field of situated cognition with particular reference to the domain of creativity, sustainability and ownership.

  • In the field of human and artificial creativity, immersive virtual reality environments are used to simulate the aesthetic experience, incrementally modulating its multisensoriality, also in cooperation with artificial agents capable of stimulating and supporting creative thinking;
  • In the field of sustainable beauty, we conduct experiments on the aesthetics of everyday objects, conveyed in particular by materials, to understand whether it can modify our predisposition to individual and collective actions;
  • In the field of ownership, we conduct experiments that aim to investigate how the conceptual domain of property is based on the experience of control over external objects and on self/other discrimination processes.

Equipment available to the laboratory:

  • Computer with software for the implementation of behavioral studies and software for data processing and statistical analysis
  • Kinematics and motion capture system for the collection of data related to body movement
  • Virtual and augmented reality systems
  • Systems for measuring psychophysiological response


Educational and training activities:

The laboratory offers its resources to support:

  • Tutoring for curricular internships
  • Collaboration and supervision for degree theses
  • Collaboration and supervision of doctoral research projects
