Philosophy of law

Philosophy of law is a field of practical philosophy. In this perspective this research area deals with normative, deontological, historical and ethical-political dimensions of law.

It focuses on social violence, with particular regard to its roots, control, and overcoming. Human rights and violation of human rights, evil as a moral problem, mind-body problem, violence against children: these are crucial issues which are analyzed from a theoretical and practical point of view with classics of philosophy in the background.

Starting from an idea of bioethics as practical argumentation for a democratic public sphere, this area of research focuses on the main bioethics issues understood as a sub-field of philosophy of law.


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Luca Baldissara

Associate Professor

keywords: War History, Political Justice, Transitional Justice, Violence, Civil Wars, Conceptual History, Contemporary History,
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Filippo Del Lucchese

Associate Professor

keywords: History of Political Thought, Cinema, Literature, and Philosophy, Political Philosophy, History of Philosophy from the
keywords: children, Human Rights, responsibility, Moral Argumentation, torture, black pedagogy, Universalism, Autonomy, violence,

Giovanni Russo

PhD Student

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Massimiliano Tarozzi

Full Professor

keywords: Global Citizenship Education, Education for Sustainable Development, Social Justice Education,
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Serena Vantin

Associate Professor

keywords: history of the philosophy of law; history of legal feminism; concepts of law and legal philosophies; applied ethics and
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