Logic and the philosophy of science
Research in Logic and the Philosophy of science are about, from a theoretical and a historical point of view, the organic connections between philosophical investigation and scientific knowledge; logic and its specific methods; the logical structure of natural languages; computation and communication; the epistemology and representation of knowledge; the methodological and foundational issues peculiar to single sciences closely related with their development.
Flavio Valerio Alessi
Research fellow
Interpretive semiotics, Semiotics of culture, Cognitive semiotics, Demarcation problem, Expertise problem, Sociology of
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Human-Robot Interaction; Philosophy of cognitive sciences; Enactivism; Epistemology of robotic technologies
Francesco Bianchini
Associate Professor
Analogy, Philosophy of cognitive science, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of science, Cognitive modeling, Analogical
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Raffaella Campaner
Full Professor
scientific laws, explanation, mechanicism, causality, biomedical sciences, invariance, causal pluralism, counterfactual
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Lorenzo Casini
Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022
Aldo Gangemi
Full Professor
Semantic Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering, Natural Language Processing, Semantic Web,
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Gilberto Gauche
PhD Student
Radical Embodiment, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Mary Douglas
Daniele Molinini
Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)
Philosophy of mathematics, Philosophy of physics, History of mathematics, Mathematical explanation, Applicability of
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Maria Anita Palmieri
PhD Student
Juri Panicucci
PhD Student
Epistemic and non-epistemic values in sciences, Values and scientific objectivity, Science and society: trust,
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Valentina Petrolini
Associate Professor
philosophy of psychiatry; philosophy of psychology; philosophy of emotion; psychoanalysis, delusions, autism,
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Margherita Porena
PhD Student
Semantic web, Knowledge extraction, Knowledge representation
Alberto Rinaldi
PhD Student