History of science and technologies

History of science aims at critically and historically reconstructing the developments of the sciences, the technologies and the scientific institutions from classical antiquity to present times

This includes the study of the cultural, social, and economic contexts of the sciences, in constant dialogue with other disciplines, from the sciences to the humanities and the social sciences.

This area includes studies on historiography, material culture, visual culture, the history of scientific instruments, museum studies, the history of art, gender studies, and science and technology studies (STS).

History of medicine, the body, and the life sciences in early modern Europe; history of the relationships between practical and theoretical knowledge in early modern Europe; history of alchemy and chemistry from antiquity to modernity; history of the forms of self-representation of the sciences (history, autobiography, portraits, momuments, relics); history of science and scientific institutions in post-unification Italy; archives of science and technology in Italy; women and science and early modern and modern Europe.


Francesca Antonelli

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

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Monica Azzolini

Associate Professor

keywords: history of science; history of medicine; environmental history; history of astrology; history of gender and sexuality;

Marco Baschetti

PhD Student

keywords: History of arabo-islamic science, History of medicine, Pseudo-Galen, Arabic philology
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Marco Beretta

Full Professor

keywords: historiography of science, history of chemistry, material history of science, visual history of science

Miriam Borgia

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: history of medicine, history of animal husbandry, environmental history, animal studies
keywords: History of knowledge, History of science, Premodern, Early modern, Islamic world
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Alessandro Ceregato

Research fellow

keywords: historical scientific museology, history of natural history, scientific collections, history of science, palaeontology,

Elena Danieli

PhD Student

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Eduardo Andres Escobar Briones

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: History of Science, Assyriology
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Sara Fani

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Marco Giacomazzi

PhD Student

keywords: Semiotics, Digital Media, Writing, Interpretation, Information, Technics, Technology, Digital Competence
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Paola Govoni

Associate Professor

keywords: History of Science, Integrated and transdisciplinary studies, Women, Gender, and science, Science Studies, Science,
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Zoe Lauri

Research fellow

keywords: history of natural science, politics of nature, politics of science, environmental history, nation-building, cultures

Sandra Linguerri

Associate Professor

keywords: Scientific institutions
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Caterina Manco

Research fellow

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Matteo Martelli

Full Professor

keywords: history of ancient science, history of alchemy, history of medicine, Galen's pharmacology, Near-Eastern translations of

Stefano Mulas

PhD Student

keywords: History of science, History of chemistry, History of medicine
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Lucia Raggetti

Full Professor

keywords: History of Arabo-Islamic Sciences - Arabic Philology
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Paolo Savoia

Associate Professor

keywords: History of the body, Social, cultural, and gender history of science, Historiography, Sciences, Environment, conflicts,
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Domenica Verduci

PhD Student

keywords: Science museums, History of science, Museum education, Scientific collections, Scientific institutions
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Amine Xhakoni

PhD Student

keywords: History of Arabo-Islamic Science, Arabic Philology