Foto di Francesco Ungaro


The area of Aesthetics encompasses issues addressing competences weaving philosophical reflection on structures of human experience (in particular the question of perception and sensibility) and expressive and taste practices, the specific knowledge provided by different artistic traditions and its epistemic reformulations

The most relevant research lines on aesthetics carried out in our Department are:

  • the current configuration of the aesthetic field and of aesthetic experience;
  • aesthetics as a material analytics (between pragmatism, critical theory and phenomenology);
  • aesthetics and models of the theory of mind;
  • aesthetic thought in German philosophy of the 19th and 20th Century;
  • the philosophical debate on myth and language according to an aesthetic-anthropologic perspective;
  • elements of film aesthetics;
  • art and beauty in Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy;
  • philosophy of tragedy and tragic thought;
  • the role of the aesthetic in Hegel’s philosophy and the issue of the end of art;
  • the relationship between philosophy and literature


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Eleonora Caramelli

Associate Professor

keywords: Hegel, History of Aesthetics, Translation, Philosophy and Literature, Language, Hermeneutics

Manuel Fiori

PhD Student

keywords: Kant, Baumgarten, Sulzer, Obscure Representations, Anthropology
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Andrea Gatti

Full Professor

keywords: Modern and contemporary aesthetics, History of ideas, Theories of taste, Philosophy and theories of art, Aesthetic
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Gioia Laura Iannilli

Associate Professor

keywords: Pragmatist Aesthetics - Everyday Aesthetics - Aesthetics of Design and of Experience Design - Aesthetics of Fashion -
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Giovanni Matteucci

Full Professor

keywords: aesthetics, anthropology, structures of experience, phenomenology, contemporary art, theory of perception, Everyday
keywords: Spinoza, body, theatre, women, erotism
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Paolo Piccirillo

PhD Student

keywords: Semiotics, Theories of enunciation, Semiotics of art, Aesthetics, AI
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Massimiliano Tarozzi

Full Professor

keywords: Global Citizenship Education, Education for Sustainable Development, Social Justice Education,
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Caterina Urbani

PhD Student

keywords: Aesthetics, Philosophy of theater, Contemporary philosophy
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Lorenzo Vinciguerra

Full Professor

keywords: Ethics and Philosophy; Pragmatism; French Philosophy; Spinozism and history of Spinozism; History of Modern
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Giulia Zerbinati

PhD Student

keywords: Critical theory, Dialectic, Aesthetic truth, Aesthetic experience, Hegel, Adorno
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