IRC-GloCEd - Centro di Ricerca Internazionale sull’Educazione alla Cittadinanza Globale International Research Center on Global Citizenship Education
The COVID-19 pandemic, climate and environmental disasters, and ongoing wars around the world have forcefully and cruelly shown us the deep connection and interdependence in which we are engaged in the world in which we live. This requires new paradigms for interpretating the reality that offer a competent view of the complexity of global relationships and phenomena and identify global responses to contemporary challenges.
Coordinator - Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi
Therefore, over the last ten years, Global Citizenship Education has become a key international issue topic not only in the political but also in the academic fields. On the one hand, it has assumed a strategic role within the educational policies of various national governments and international bodies, first and foremost UNESCO; on the other, it has become the subject of research and studies in academia. The reason for the growing interest in the topic can be traced back to two pivotal events: the first dates back to 2012 when the “Global Education First Initiative” (GEFI), launched by the secretary of UN Ban Ki-moon in September 2012 has set fostering global citizenship as one of the three the priorities; The second event dates back to 2015 when GCE was included as a complementary concept to education for sustainable development in the 2030 Agenda, where it is explicitly mentioned in Goal 4.7.
UNESCO has played a strategic role in the growing recognition of GCE as a theoretical framework for developing the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes students need to ensure a more just, peaceful tolerant, inclusive, safe and sustainable world. A holistic approach that interconnects local and global, social, cultural and economic dimensions, but also cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioural dimensions of learning. Due to its holistic nature, ECG contributes to making sense of and theoretically and methodologically framing different types of knowledge, skills and values. It is, in fact, an epistemologically multidisciplinary and multifaceted field that is rooted in three main axes:
- Humanistic, based on the principles of common humanity, universality in diversity
- Environmental, based on the principles of sustainable development
- Political, based on the principles of social justice and equal rights.
Therefore it encompasses several themes, which summarize the future research lines of the Center but are also contact points with all the other departments of the University of Bologna with which the Centre and the UNESCO Chair in GCE intend to establish collaborations, such as:
- human right issues (children, gender, and culture rights)
- environmental issues (sustainability, patterns of production and consumption, climate change, biodiversity)
- social and economic justice (poverty, health and well-being, inequality and discrimination, migrations)
- intercultural issues (identity, cultural diversity, world heritage, indigenous knowledge systems, peace).
The Project aims to continue the activities of the research centre activated in 2017 at the Department of Life Quality Studies of the University of Bologna and is embedded in the activities of the UNESCO Chair on GCED. The objective is to identify a reference within the FILO department for the activities of the UNESCO Chair to support future challenges, including:
- continue to promote and disseminate the UNESCO approach to GCE within the academic community and contribute to its conceptualisation;
- continue to promote GCE in higher education. Moreover, one of the founding purposes of IRC- GloCEd is to facilitate productive relationships between educational institutions, training agencies, NGOs, practitioners and policy makers, researchers and civil society.
Over the years, the centre has carried out a range of research activities and has received significant funding from national and international bodies, which has now been transferred to the Philosophy department. It is therefore necessary to ensure continuity in the visibility of this internationally recognised research unit. Below is a list of research projects and funding received by the Centre or UNESCO Chair.
Role |
Funding Body |
Title |
start/end |
Principal Investigator |
Global Education Network of Europe (GENE) |
Multilingual GCED Database |
2022 |
Co-investigator (responsible for evaluation research unit) |
Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (Ministry Foreign Affairs)- Global Citizenship Education grant
Le nostre città invisibili |
2018-2020 |
Co-investigator (responsible for evaluation research unit) |
Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (Ministry Foreign Affairs) Global Citizenship Education grant
Giovani: Nuovi attori per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo |
2018-2020 |
Principal investigator |
Global Education Network of Europe (GENE) |
Various activities in support of the UNESCO Chair and the Centre |
2022-23 |
Global Education Network of Europe (GENE) |
Bibliographic research on GEL |
2021 |
Principal investigator |
APCEIU (Asia-pacific centre for education for international understanding), Seoul, Korea |
Understanding and Building Europe and North America as a Regional Network Promoting Global Citizenship Education (GCED) |
2021 |
Ban-Ki Moon Center |
2021 |
Head of Partner Unit |
Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (Ministry Foreign Affairs) Global Citizenship Education grant
WEWorld - climate change e mobilitazione giovani. |
2022-23 |
Head of Partner Unit |
Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (Ministry Foreign Affairs) Global Citizenship Education grant
Regione Emilia-Romagna- R-Educ. Le Regioni per l’Educazione alla Cittadinanza Globale: |
2022-23 |
Principal inverstigator nazionale |
PRIN 2022 |
Global Civic education |
2023-2024 |
Project coordinator |
Istituto Buddista Italiano (8 per mille) |
Study visit to Tunisia as part of the Global Citizenship Skills course |
2024 |
The Centre actively cooperates with the following partners:
- The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS)/Ministry of Foreign Affair;
- Academic Network on Global Education & Learning (ANGEL);
- Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understading (APCEIU);
- Ban KI-MOON CENTRE for Global Citizens;
- Global Education Network Europe (GENE);
- UCL Institute of Education;
- University of Alberta;
- Università di Verona;
- Regione Emilia-Romagna;
- Network of Italian UNESCO Chairs (ReCUI);
- Municipality of Bologna;
- Municipality of Rimini;
- WeWorld- GVC Onlus.
IRC- GloCEd it has been the site of internships for several students and has also hosted numerous visiting scholars.

Among the activities the Centre has carried out and will continue to carry out are:
- Carry out studies and empirical research, also applying for funding at national and European level
- organize conferences, seminars and workshops
- provide teacher training
- organize course and seminars for graduate and undergraduate students
- consulting institutions and political bodies
- organize master and host international students
- facilitate exchange of academic staff and students as well as non-academic institutions
- promote exchange with local authorities and NGOs.
In the middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic the Centre provided an online teaching training tool and delivered a free training course entitled: Doing school in times of pandemic. Strategies and resources for teachers. Below is the poster for the event.
Claudio Coletta
Associate Professor
Filippo Del Lucchese
Associate Professor
Gabriele Ferrario
Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)
Luisa Lugli
Full Professor
Claudio Paolucci
Full Professor
Lucia Raggetti
Full Professor
Matteo Santarelli
Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)
Serena Vantin
Associate Professor
International Scientific Committee
- Paola Berbeglia, Concord Italia
- Douglas Bourn, UCL Institute of Education
- Marco Catarci, Università Roma 3
- Massimiliano Fiorucci, Università Roma 3
- Isabella Loiodice, Università di Foggia
- Alessia Mariotti, Università di Bologna
- Marcella Milana, Università di Verona
- Pierluigi Musarò, Università di Bologna
- Milena Santerini, Università Cattolica di Milano
- Lynette Schutz, Unversity of Alberta
- Namrata Sharma, CUNY, New York
- Alessio Surian, Università di Padova
- Alessandro Tolomelli, Università di Bologna
- Carlos Alberto Torres, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Executive Committee
- Annalisa Quinto
- Francesca Rapanà
- Luca Vittori
- Raffaella Faggioli
- Gabriele Vitello