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Filippo Del Lucchese, Machiavelli and the Spartan Equality: the Image and Function of Lycurgus’ Heritage, «THEORIA», 2022, 69, pp. 1 - 34 [Scientific article] Open Access
Serena Vantin, Olympe de Gouges tra legge e Rivoluzione. Considerazioni di storia della filosofia del diritto, «DIANOIA», 2022, 27, pp. 99 - 111 [Scientific article] Open Access
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Federica Zardo; Chiara Loschi, EU-Algeria (non)cooperation on migration: A tale of two fortresses, «MEDITERRANEAN POLITICS», 2022, 27, pp. 148 - 169 [Scientific article] Open Access
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Raffaella Campaner; Jeremy Howick; Lunan Zhao; Brenna McKaig; Alessandro Rosa; Jason Oke; Dien Ho, Do medical schools teach medical humanities? Review of curricula in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, «JOURNAL OF EVALUATION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE», 2022, 28, pp. 86 - 92 [Scientific article] Open Access
Massimiliano Tarozzi, Implementing global citizenship education policy: The bargaining process of NGOs in some European Countries, «JOURNAL OF GLOBAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH», 2022, 6, pp. 82 - 97 [Scientific article] Open Access
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Elena Gherri, Marios Theocharopoulos, Niall Browne, Nazire Duran & Elizabeth J. Austin, Empathy as a predictor of peripersonal space: Evidence from the crossmodal congruency task, «CONSCIOUSNESS AND COGNITION», 2022, 98, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
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Giovanni Boniolo; Raffaella Campaner, The logic of explanation in molecular biology: historical-processual and logical-procedural aspects, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL FOR PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE», 2022, 12, pp. 1 - 24 [Scientific article] Open Access
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Sebastiano Galanti Grollo, Rethinking Husserl's lifeworld: The many faces of the world in Heidegger's early Freiburg lecture courses, «CONTINENTAL PHILOSOPHY REVIEW», 2022, 55, pp. 487 - 502 [Scientific article] Open Access