Yvonne Huetter-Almerigi, Outgrowing representationalism: semantic remarks on Tracy Llanera’s Richard Rorty: Outgrowing modern nihilism, «METAPHILOSOPHY», 2023, 54, pp. 442 - 446 [Scientific article]
Luca Baldissara, Italia 1943. La guerra continua, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2023, pp. 469 . [Research monograph]
Gatti Andrea, On Cultural Transmission. A Case Study: Condillac and Italy, «DICIOTTESIMO SECOLO», 2023, 8, pp. 79 - 90 [Scientific article] Open Access
Paolucci, Claudio, Pre-Truth: Fake News, Semiological Guerrilla Warfare, and Some Other Media and Communication "Revolutions", «MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION», 2023, 11, pp. 101 - 108 [Scientific article] Open Access
Paolucci, C; Giorgini, F; Scheda, R; Alessi, FV; Diciotti, S, Early prediction of Autism Spectrum Disorders through interaction analysis in home videos and explainable artificial intelligence, «COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR», 2023, 148, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
Paolucci, Claudio; Martinelli, Paolo; Bacaro, Martina, Can we really free ourselves from stereotypes? A semiotic point of view on clichés and disability studies, «SEMIOTICA», 2023, 253, pp. 1 - 34 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bulla L.; De Giorgis S.; Gangemi A.; Lucifora C.; Mongiovì M., Comparing User Perspectives in a Virtual Reality Cultural Heritage Environment, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2023), 2023, 13901 LNCS, pp. 3 - 15 (atti di: International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2023), Zaragoza, Spain, 12-16 June, 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Lucifora C.; Schembri M.; Poggi F.; Grasso G.M.; Gangemi A., Virtual reality supports perspective taking in cultural heritage interpretation, «COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR», 2023, 148, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article] Open Access
Garofalo, Gioacchino; Gherri, Elena; Riggio, Lucia, Syntax matters in shaping sensorimotor activation driven by nouns, «MEMORY & COGNITION», 2023, 1, pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article] Open Access
Garofalo, G., Riggio, L., Bianchini, F., Gherri, E., The space of words: on the sensorimotor processing of variable affordances in noun-adjective combinations., in: Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2023, 45, pp. 3677 - 3677 (atti di: Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society., Sydney, 26/07/2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Francesco Bellucci; Matteo Santarelli, Peirce on Vagueness and Common Sense, «TRANSACTIONS OF THE CHARLES S. PEIRCE SOCIETY», 2023, 59, pp. 127 - 166 [Scientific article]
Serena Vantin, Recensione a Hans Kelsen, Che cos’è la dottrina pura del diritto?, a cura di Tommaso Gazzolo, La nave di Teseo, Milano 2022, pp. 137, «DIANOIA», 2023, 28, pp. 320 - 323 [Review] Open Access
Serena Vantin, Mary Wollstonecraft, Madrid, Altamarea Ediciones, 2023, pp. 114 . [Research monograph]
Francesco Mazzucchelli, What Does Fascist Architecture Still Have to Tell Us? Preservation of Contested Heritage as a Strategy of Re- Enunciation and ‘Voice Remodulation’, in: Reading Memory Sites Through Signs. Hiding into Landscape, Amsterdam, AUP, Amsterdam University Press, 2023, pp. 101 - 139 [Chapter or essay]
Colli, Andrea, Aevum, aeterna tempora, and tempus generale between history and metaphysics. A note on the Patristic reading of time and duration, «FREIBURGER ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR PHILOSOPHIE UND THEOLOGIE», 2023, 70, pp. 229 - 245 [Scientific article]
Alessi, Flavio Valerio, The Semiotic Construction of Sars-CoV-2: The Case of The Electron Cryomicroscope., «E/C», 2023, 17, pp. 202 - 219 [Scientific article] Open Access
Scorolli C.; Naddei Grasso E.; Stacchio L.; Armandi V.; Matteucci G.; Marfia G., Would you rather come to a tango concert in theater or in VR? Aesthetic emotions & social presence in musical experiences, either live, 2D or 3D, «COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR», 2023, 149, pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article] Open Access
Filomena Rita Guarino, Luisa Lugli, Elena Gherri, LA CODIFICA RELATIVA E ASSOLUTA DI STIMOLI VISIVI E TATTILI NELL’EFFETTO SIMON, in: Book of Abstract XXIX Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia - Sezione Sperimentale, 2023, pp. 1 - 567 (atti di: XXIX Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia - Sezione Sperimentale, Lucca, 18-20 Settembre 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Filomena Rita Guarino, Luisa Lugli, Elena Gherri, Comparing the absolute and relative Simon effects in vision and touch, in: Posters Abstract Book, 2023(atti di: International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Brussels, 27-30 Giugno 2023) [Poster]
Luca Guidetti, Il problema della conoscenza tra "neokantismo classico" e "nuovo neokantismo", in: Alberto Burgio, Bruno Centrone, Roberto Escobar, Raffaella Campaner, Luca Guidetti, Stefano Besoli, Marina Lalatta Costerbosa, Francisco Roig, Andrea Colli, Diego Donna, carlo Gentili, Manlio Iofrida, Mariafranca Spallanzani, Serena Vantin, Il senso della filosofia. Un confronto a più voci, Modena, STEM Mucchi Editore, 2023, pp. 57 - 83 (QUADERNI DI DIANOIA) [Chapter or essay] Open Access