Marinucci L.; Mazzuca C.; Gangemi A., Exposing implicit biases and stereotypes in human and artificial intelligence: state of the art and challenges with a focus on gender, «AI & SOCIETY», 2023, 38, pp. 747 - 761 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cordula Scherer; Agnese Cretella, Sustainable Seafood Consumption: A Matter of Individual Choice or Global Market? A Window into Dublin’s Seafood Scene., in: Ocean Governance Knowledge Systems, Policy Foundations and Thematic Analyses, Cham, Springer Nature, 2023, pp. 233 - 251 (MARE PUBLICATION SERIES) [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Paolo Savoia; Ariella Minden, The Body between Life and Death: Berengario da Carpi and the Anatomical Image of the Sixteenth Century., in: Rethinking Medical Humanities: Perspectives from the Arts and the Social Sciences., Berlin, De Gruyter, 2023, pp. 173 - 204 (MEDICAL TRADITIONS) [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Luca Baldissara, War. The Necessary Reassembly of a Fragmented Research Object, in: Combining Political History and Political Science. Towards a new Understanding of the Political, London and New York, Routledge, 2023, pp. 65 - 85 [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Santarelli Matteo, Verso una concezione stratificata dell’empatia? Tra questioni teoriche e conseguenze etiche, «PARADIGMI», 2023, early access, pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]
Agnese Cretella, Cordula Scherer, Poul Holm, Tasting the ocean: How to increase ocean literacy using seafood heritage with a visceral approach, «MARINE POLICY», 2023, 149, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gaia Gambarelli; Aldo Gangemi; Rocco Tripodi, Is Your Model Sensitive? SPEDAC: A New Resource for the Automatic Classification of Sensitive Personal Data, «IEEE ACCESS», 2023, 11, pp. 10864 - 10880 [Scientific article] Open Access
Marina Lalatta, Prefazione, in: Wilhelm von Humboldt, Stato e società. Scritti sulla libertà, Milano, Società Aperta, 2023, pp. 1 - 12 [Preface]
Gambarelli, G.; Gangemi, A.; Tripodi, R., Is Your Model Sensitive? SPeDaC: A New Resource and Benchmark for Training Sensitive Personal Data Classifiers, «IEEE ACCESS», 2023, 11, pp. 10864 - 10880 [Scientific article] Open Access
Loschi, Chiara, From ballots to bullets. Libyan 2012 elections as the origin of the unachieved transition, in: Routledge Handbook on Elections in the Middle East and North Africa, Londra, Routledge, 2023, pp. 342 - 352 [Chapter or essay]
Matteo Martelli; Arash Zeini; Paola Buzi; Alessandro Bausi; Peter Adamson, Multiple translation activities, in: Routledge Handbook on the Sciences in Islamicate Societies Practices from the 2nd/8th to the 13th/19th Centuries, London, Routledge, 2023, pp. 25 - 38 [Chapter or essay]
Emanuele Mariani, Transcendance et totalité. Bonhoeffer, la phénoménologie et la figure de l'homme parfait, «LES ÉTUDES PHILOSOPHIQUES», 2023, 144, pp. 53 - 69 [Scientific article] Open Access
Marina Lalatta, Legitimising the Primacy of Children's Rights, «ARSP. ARCHIV. FUR RECHTS- UND SOZIALPHILOSOPHIE», 2023, 109, pp. 8 - 31 [Scientific article]
Vicario C.M.; Scavone V.; Lucifora C.; Falzone A.; Pioggia G.; Gangemi S.; Craparo G.; Martino G., Evidence of abnormal scalar timing property in alexithymia, «PLOS ONE», 2023, 18, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
Filippo Ferrari; Anna Maria Lorusso; Sebastiano Moruzzi; Giorgio Volpe, Perspectives on Post-Truth, «SOCIAL EPISTEMOLOGY», 2023, 37, pp. 141 - 149 [Scientific article]
Scerrati, Elisa; Nicoletti, Roberto; Rubichi, Sandro; Scorolli, Claudia; Lugli, Luisa, Compatibility effects with destination and origin of motion, «PLOS ONE», 2023, 18, pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article] Open Access
Filippo Ferrari; Anna Maria Lorusso; Sebastiano Moruzzi; Giorgio Volpe, Perspectives on Post-Truth, London, Taylor & Francis, 2023, pp. 107 . [Editorship]
Elena Gherri, Felicity White, Edmond Venables, On the spread of spatial attention in touch: Evidence from Event-Related Brain potentials, «BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY», 2023, 178, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Matteo Cavalleri, Una medesima «pulsione di verità». La Resistenza come evento e la sua trasfigurazione rappresentativa, in: Raccontare la Resistenza. Studi interdisciplinari, Firenze, Franco Cesati Editore, 2023, pp. 47 - 62 (QUADERNI DELLA RASSEGNA) [Chapter or essay]
Filippo Del Lucchese, Introduzione al Forum, «DIACRONÌA», 2023, 2, pp. 11 - 20 [Scientific article] Open Access