SAVOIA P, Gaspare Tagliacozzi and Early Modern Surgery: Faces, Men, and Pain, London, Routledge, 2020, pp. 320 (THE BODY IN THE CITY). [Research monograph]
Torres C.A.; Tarozzi M., Multiculturalism in the world system: towards a social justice model of inter/multicultural education, «GLOBALISATION, SOCIETIES AND EDUCATION», 2020, 18, pp. 7 - 18 [Scientific article]
R. Campaner, G. Boniolo, Life Sciences for Philosophers and Philosophy for Life Scientists: What Should We Teach?, «BIOLOGICAL THEORY», 2020, 15, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Pia Campeggiani, Nec Cogitare Sed Facere: The Paradox of Fiction at the Tribunal of Ancient Poetics., «THEORIA», 2020, 86, pp. 709 - 726 [Scientific article]
Raffaella Campaner; Marta Bertolaso, Scientific Practice in Modeling Diseases: Stances from Cancer Research and Neuropsychiatry, «JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND PHILOSOPHY», 2020, 45, pp. 105 - 128 [Scientific article]
null, Kurt Lewin, Tempo e identità (ed. critica curata da: Guidetti Luca), Macerata, Quodlibet, 2020, pp. 190 (SAGGI) [Critical edition ]
Scerrati E.; Iani C.; Lugli L.; Nicoletti R.; Rubichi S., Do my hands prime your hands? The hand-to-response correspondence effect, «ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA», 2020, 203, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
Villani Caterina; Lugli Luisa, L’effetto Simon e il suo decorso temporale con stimoli linguistici non spaziali, «GIORNALE ITALIANO DI PSICOLOGIA», 2020, 47, pp. 305 - 314 [Scientific article]
M.Tarozzi, Role of NGOs in global citizenship education, in: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning, London, Bloomsbury, 2020, pp. 133 - 148 [Chapter or essay]
M. Beretta, Art du verre, alchimie et philosophie de la matière dans le monde antique, in: Chimie et Alexandrie dans l'Antiquité, Paris, EDP Sciences, 2020, pp. 107 - 124 [Chapter or essay]
Peroni, Silvio; Ciancarini, Paolo; Gangemi, Aldo; Nuzzolese, Andrea Giovanni; Poggi, Francesco; Presutti, Valentina, The practice of self-citations: a longitudinal study, «SCIENTOMETRICS», 2020, 123, pp. 253 - 282 [Scientific article] Open Access
Giorgio Volpe (trad.): Filosofia della religione: Una breve introduzione, Brescia, Queriniana, 2020, pp. 152
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Paolucci, Claudio, A Radical Enactivist Account of Social Cognition, in: The Extended Theory of Cognitive Creativity, Cham, Springer, 2020, pp. 59 - 74 (PERSPECTIVES IN PRAGMATICS, PHILOSOPHY & PSYCHOLOGY) [Chapter or essay]
Francesco Bianchini; Edoardo Datteri, Letture critiche. Paul Dumouchel e Luisa Damiano, "Vivere con i robot. Saggio sull'empatia artificiale", Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2019, pp. 220, «APHEX», 2020, 21, pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article] Open Access
Francesco Bianchini, Virtually Extending the Bodies with (Health) Technologies, in: A Critical Reflection on Automated Science. Will Science Remain Human?, Cham, Springer, 2020, pp. 235 - 245 (HUMAN PERSPECTIVES IN HEALTH SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY) [Chapter or essay]
R. Campaner, Explanatory organization and psychiatric resilience: challenges to a mechanistic approach to mental disorders, «RIVISTA INTERNAZIONALE DI FILOSOFIA E PSICOLOGIA», 2020, 11, pp. 128 - 144 [Scientific article] Open Access
R. Campaner; M. Cerri, "Manipulative evidence and medical interventions: some qualifications", «HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF THE LIFE SCIENCES», 2020, 42, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article] Open Access
Pelizza Annalisa, Lausberg Yoren, Milan Stefania, Come rendere visibili i migranti nei dati della pandemia, «INTERNAZIONALE», 2020, 1358, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Milan Stefania, Pelizza Annalisa, Lausberg Yoren, Making migrants visible to COVID-19 counting: the dilemma, «Open Democracy», 2020, 28 April 2020, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gioia Laura Iannilli. Stefano Marino (a cura di): Anna-Mari Almila, David Inglis, Emanuele Arielli, Dorrit Bøilerehauge, Paola Brembilla, Chiara Checcaglini, Eleonora Corbanese, Rosa Crepax, Dominika Czakon, Monika Mazur-Bubak, Adriano D’Aloia, Elena Esposito, Magdalena Germek, Kristina Pranjić, Gioia Laura Iannilli, Anna Kamneva, Vittorio Linfante, Stefano Marino, Roy Menarini, Natalia Anna Michna, Laurie E. Naranch, Kayla Owen, Wendy Pojmann, Giampaolo Proni, Catharina Rüß, Leszek Sosnowski, Dagmar Venohr, Zhe Wang, Be Cool! Aesthetic Imperatives and Social Practices, Bologna, Università di Bologna. Dipartimento di Scienze per la Qualità della vita (QuVi), 2020, pp. 307 . [Editorship] Open Access