Mauro Bonazzi, Plutarch and the Mysteries of Philosophy, in: Les mystères au IIe siècle de notre ère: un tournant, Turnhout, Brepols, 2021, pp. 49 - 62 [Chapter or essay]
Mauro Bonazzi, Azione e conoscenza, «GNOSIS», 2021, 27, pp. 30 - 41 [Scientific article]
Mauro Bonazzi, The Sophists, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 156 . [Research monograph]
Mauro Bonazzi, Socrate a Processo, in: M. Ostinelli, I classici e la filosofia contemporanea. Letture e interpretazioni, Roma, Carocci, 2021, pp. 49 - 62 [Chapter or essay]
Alessandra Scimone, Burgundio da Pisa traduttore di Galeno tra il De pulsibus ad tirones e il De causis pulsuum, «GALENOS», 2021, 15, pp. 59 - 92 [Scientific article]
Alessandra Scimone, Le traduzioni de pulsibus nella trasmissione universitaria del Galeno latino, in: Estudios sobre Galeno Latino y sus fuentes, Cuenca, Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2021, pp. 75 - 103 [Chapter or essay]
Francesco Garbelli, Chiese assassinate e madri profanate, «POLEMOS», 2021, 2, pp. 103 - 126 [Scientific article] Open Access
Francesco Garbelli, Proust and Benjamin: a figural reading, «E/C», 2021, 15, pp. 109 - 122 [Scientific article] Open Access
Chiara Montalti, Vulnerabilità ‘tecnogena’ e condivisione tecnologica nell’esperienza della disabilità, «SHIFT», 2021, 1, pp. 159 - 171 [Scientific article]
Casini, Lorenzo; Moneta, Alessio; Capasso, Marco, Variable Definition and Independent Components, «PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE», 2021, 88, pp. 784 - 795 [Scientific article] Open Access
Raggetti, Lucia, Ordinary Inks and Incredible Tricks in al-ʿIrāqī’s ʿUyūn al-ḥaqāʾiq, in: Traces of Ink. Experiences of Philology and Replication, Leiden, Brill, 2021, pp. 154 - 191 (NUNCIUS SERIES) [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Petrolini, Valentina, On the Brink of Disaster: Vulnerability to Mental Disorders, «PHILOSOPHY OF MEDICINE», 2021, 2, pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article]
Diego Donna, Chapitre XV. « Aussi tous deux déraisonneront-ils, l'un sans la raison, l'autre avec la raison »., in: Domenico Collacciani, Blanche Gramusset-Piquois, Francesco Toto, Lectures du Traité Théologico-politique. Philosophie, religion, pouvoir, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2021, pp. 231 - 247 [Chapter or essay]
Francesco Bianchini, Prefazione, in: Fabio Leuzzi, Ars intelligendi. Un’indagine sull’intelligenza e sul pensiero dalla prospettiva di Hofstadter, Roma, Tab edizioni, 2020, pp. 11 - 14 [Preface] Open Access
Govoni, Paola, Hearsay, Not-So-Big Data and Choice: Understanding Science and Maths Through the Lives of Men Who Supported Women, in: Against All Odds: Women’s Ways to Mathematical Research Since 1800, Cham, Springer, 2020, pp. 281 - 314 (WOMEN IN THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCES) [Chapter or essay] Open Access
F. Cerrato, Paura. Forme della percezione e strategie di governo ne "Les Passions de l’âme" e nell’ "Ethica", «RIVISTA DI FILOSOFIA NEOSCOLASTICA», 2020, 112, pp. 479 - 494 [Scientific article]
Pellicano, Antonello*; Iani, Cristina; Maiorana, Natale Vincenzo; Horoufchin, Houpand; Rubichi, Sandro; Lugli, Luisa; Nicoletti, Roberto; Binkofski, Ferdinand, Correspondence effect driven by salient visual asymmetries in integral object stimuli, «PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH», 2020, 84, pp. 728 - 742 [Scientific article]
Pia Campeggiani, Aristotle on Perceptual Interests., «APEIRON», 2020, 53, pp. 235 - 256 [Scientific article] Open Access
Evans, Shirley; Evans, Simon; Brooker, Dawn; Henderson, Cate; Szcześniak, Dorota; Atkinson, Teresa; Bray, Jennifer; Amritpal, Rehill; Saibene, Francesca Lea; d'Arma, Alessia; Scorolli, Claudia; Chattat, Rabih; Farina, Elisabetta; Urbańska, Katarzyna; Rymaszewska, Joanna; Meiland, Franka; Dröes, Rose-Marie, The impact of the implementation of the Dutch combined Meeting Centres Support Programme for family caregivers of people with dementia in Italy, Poland and UK, «AGING & MENTAL HEALTH», 2020, 24, pp. 280 - 290 [Scientific article] Open Access
Pelizza Annalisa, Processing Alterity, Enacting Europe: Migrant Registration and Identification as Co-construction of Individuals and Polities, «SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, & HUMAN VALUES», 2020, 45, pp. 262 - 288 [Scientific article] Open Access