Vacura M, Svatek V, Gangemi A, An ontological investigation over human relations in linked data, «APPLIED ONTOLOGY», 2016, 11, pp. 227 - 254 [Scientific article]
Ceci M, Gangemi A, An OWL ontology library representing judicial interpretations, «SEMANTIC WEB», 2016, 7, pp. 229 - 253 [Scientific article]
Gangemi A, Recupero DR, Mongiovi M, Nuzzolese Andrea Giovanni, Presutti V, Identifying motifs for evaluating open knowledge extraction on the Web, «KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS», 2016, 108, pp. 33 - 41 [Scientific article]
Daga E, D'Aquin M, Gangemi A, Motta E, An incremental learning method to support the annotation of workflows with data-to-data relations, in: 20th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, EKAW 2016, BERLIN, Springer, 2016, pp. 129 - 144 (atti di: EKAW 2016: Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Bologna, Italy, 19-23 November 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Hossayni SA, Rajati MR, Del Acebo E, Reforgiato Recupero, D, Gangemi A, Akbarzadeht MR, De La Rosa Esteva JL, Towards Interval Version of Fuzzy Synsets, in: 19th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence, CCIA 2016, BERLIN, Springer, 2016, pp. 297 - 302 (atti di: 19th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (CCIA 2016), Barcelona, 19.10.2016 - 21.10.2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Hassan E, Buscaldi D, Gangemi A, Event-based Recognition of Lived Experiences in User Reviews, in: Proceedings of EKAW2016 Conference, BERLIN, Springer, 2016, pp. 320 - 336 (atti di: EKAW 2016: Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Bologna, Italy, 19-23 November 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Nuzzolese Andrea Giovanni, Gentile AL, Presutti V, Gangemi A, Conference linked data: The scholarlydata project, in: The Semantic Web – ISWC 2016, Pt. II, BERLIN, Springer, «LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2016, 9982, pp. 150 - 158 (atti di: ISWC 2016, Kobe, 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Gangemi A, Nuzzolese Andrea Giovanni, Presutti V, Reforgiato D, Adjective Semantics in Open Knowledge Extraction, in: Formal Ontology in Information Systems, Amsterdam, IOS Press, «FRONTIERS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND APPLICATIONS», 2016, 283, pp. 167 - 180 (atti di: FOIS 2016, Annecy, France, July 6-9, 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Linguerri Sandra, Cimino Guido, Simili Raffaella, Scienza, Innovazione, Istituzioni, Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2016, pp. 513 . [Editorship]
Linguerri Sandra, Cimino Guido, Raffaella Simili, THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE IN ITALY TODAY: AN EXTREMELY LIVELY MILIEU, in: Scienza, Innovazionem Istituzioni, Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2016, pp. 1 - 3 [Brief introduction]
Martelli, Matteo; Raggetti, Lucia, Stone by Stone: Building the Graeco-Arabic Edition of Galen’s On Simple Drugs, Book IX, «COMPARATIVE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPT STUDIES BULLETIN», 2016, 2, pp. 48 - 58 [Scientific article]
Martelli, Matteo, Stéphanos alchimiste et astrologue, in: Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, Paris, CNRS éditions, 2016, pp. 557 - 563 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]
Martelli, Matteo, Synesius l’alchimiste, in: Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2016, pp. 676 - 678 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]
Martelli, Matteo, Greco-Egyptian and Byzantine Alchemy, in: A Companion to Science, Technology, and Medicine in Ancient Greece and Rome, London, John Wiley & Sons, 2016, pp. 217 - 231 [Chapter or essay]
Martelli Matteo, Healing Tombs and Remains of Ancient Physicians and Natural Philosophers in the Greek and Arabic Traditions, in: Savant Relics. Brains and Remains of Scientists, Sagamore Beach, Watson Publishing International, 2016, pp. 43 - 66 [Chapter or essay]
P. Hitzler, A. Gangemi, K. Janowicz, A. Krishnadi, V. Presutti, Ontology Engineering with Ontology Design Patterns: Foundations and Applications, Amsterdam, IOS Press, 2016, pp. 400 . [Editorship]
Gangemi A.; Presutti V., Multi-layered n-ary Patterns, in: Aldo Gangemi and Valentina Presutti, Ontology Engineering with Ontology Design Patterns - Foundations andApplications, Amsterdam, IOS Press, 2016, pp. 105 - 131 [Chapter or essay]
Karl Hammar , Eva Blomqvist , David Carral , Marieke van Erp , Antske Fokkens , Aldo Gangemi , Willem Robert van Hage , Pascal Hitzler , Krzysztof Janowicz , Nazifa Karima , Adila Krisnadhi , Tom Narock , Roxane Segers , Monika Solanki , Vojtech Svatek, Collected Research Questions Concerning Ontology Design Patterns, in: Ontology Engineering with Ontology Design Patterns - Foundations andApplications, Amsterdam, IOS Press, 2016, pp. 189 - 198 [Chapter or essay]
Valentina Presutti; Aldo Gangemi, Dolce+D&S Ultralite and its main Ontology Design Patterns, in: Valentina Presutti , Aldo Gangemi, Ontology Engineering with Ontology Design Patterns - Foundations andApplications, Amsterdam, IOS Press, 2016, pp. 81 - 103 [Chapter or essay]
Santarelli, Matteo, L’estime de soi : un cas particulier d’estime sociale ?, «TERRAINS/THÉORIES», 2016, 4, pp. 2 - 18 [Scientific article]