Research fellow

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Flavio Valerio Alessi

Research fellow

keywords: Interpretive semiotics, Semiotics of culture, Cognitive semiotics, Demarcation problem, Expertise problem, Sociology of
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Martina Bacaro

PhD Student

Research fellow

keywords: Human-Robot Interaction; Philosophy of cognitive sciences; Enactivism; Epistemology of robotic technologies

Marco Bellini

Research fellow

keywords: Alchemy, History of Science

Irene Bevilacqua

Research fellow

keywords: History of knowledge, History of science, Premodern, Early modern, Islamic world
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Alessandro Ceregato

Research fellow

keywords: historical scientific museology, history of natural history, scientific collections, history of science, palaeontology,

Claudio Davini

Research fellow

Gioacchino Garofalo

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

keywords: Semantics, Embodied Cognition, Language, Affordances, Syntac, Sensorimotor Simulation, Motor system
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Gabriele Giampieri

Research fellow

keywords: Semiotics, Enactivism, Developmental Psychology, Anthropology, Epistemology
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Celine Lea Lucie Henne

Research fellow

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Zoe Lauri

Research fellow

keywords: history of natural science, politics of nature, politics of science, environmental history, nation-building, cultures
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Luigi Lobaccaro

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: General Semiotics; Cognitive semiotics; 4E Cognition; Enactivism; Psychopathologies; Creativity
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Caterina Manco

Research fellow

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Paolo Martinelli

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

keywords: literacy, semiotics

Denis Migliori

Research fellow

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Chiara Montalti

Research fellow

keywords: disability studies, feminist theory, feminist technoscience, Philosophical Posthumanism, Gender studies, Queer theory,