PhD Student

Manuel Fiori

PhD Student

keywords: Kant, Baumgarten, Sulzer, Obscure Representations, Anthropology
foto della persona

Giuseppe Fucà

PhD Student

keywords: Auditory Attention, Musical Skills and Executive Functions
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Gilberto Gauche

PhD Student

keywords: Radical Embodiment, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Mary Douglas
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Marco Giacomazzi

PhD Student

keywords: Semiotics, Digital Media, Writing, Interpretation, Information, Technics, Technology, Digital Competence
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Martina Grinello

PhD Student

keywords: visual attention, food, eye movements, pupillometry, spatial coding

Zedong Hao

PhD Student

foto della persona

Simone Leone

PhD Student

keywords: Global Citizenship Education, Education for Sustainable Development

Anna Sofia Lippolis

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

Ottavio Lovece

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

foto della persona

Jaka Makuc

PhD Student

keywords: Phenomenology, Austro-German Philosophy, Aristotelian Tradition, Dialectic, Erkenntnistheorie, Formal Ontology,

Basile Malandain

PhD Student

Stefano Mulas

PhD Student

keywords: History of science, History of chemistry, History of medicine

Andrea Munforte

PhD Student