PhD Student

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Federica Arenare

PhD Student

keywords: ethnosemiotics, pedagogical epistemology, media education
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Martina Bacaro

PhD Student

Research fellow

keywords: Human-Robot Interaction; Philosophy of cognitive sciences; Enactivism; Epistemology of robotic technologies

Marco Baschetti

PhD Student

keywords: History of arabo-islamic science, History of medicine, Pseudo-Galen, Arabic philology

Alex Benini

PhD Student

keywords: philosophy of psychiatry, disability studies, critical autism studies, neurodiversity movement, knowledge, epistemic
foto della persona

Tommaso Bigatti

PhD Student

Miriam Borgia

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: history of medicine, history of animal husbandry, environmental history, animal studies
keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Semiotics of AI, AI and cultural industry

Sara Dameno

PhD Student

keywords: Phenomenology, Edmund Husserl, Emotions, German Philosophy

Elena Danieli

PhD Student

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Martina Dattilo

PhD Student

Glenn De Muynck

PhD Student

keywords: Abstract concepts, Embodied cognition, Event cognition